In order to interact in our network, you need to create a profile. You can do it from here or follow our tutorials at YouTube.

How can I register on autismored?

To register, go to and use the 'Register Now' link to start the registration process by providing your email address, password, and acceptance of terms and conditions.

Once you select the 'Create New Account' button, you'll receive a verification email to confirm your account so you can begin using all the network's features.

After verifying your account, follow the instructions to select your user profile and enter your personal information and preferences."

What are profiles and what are they for?

Profiles are the way you interact with the network, allowing you to access additional features and customize your experience by showing you content or communications tailored to your needs. The profiles we use have been adapted to the needs and services related to the autism spectrum.

Is it necessary to provide personal information to register?

We'll ask for personal information like where you live to enable service selection based on proximity to your location, enhancing your experience.

Important: You can be assured that all information you provide to Autismored will be used internally and will not be shared or published with any other company/website/service/portal.

What should I do if I forgot my password?

On the main portal, through the 'Forgot my password' link, or by accessing the icon in the top right corner and selecting 'Change Password,' you can go to the following page:, where you can change your password using the email you registered with.